Log house in Harilaid | Estonia Saaremaa | 2013

Not only was this log house the first house ever built designed by me, it is also one of a kind; with proportions that made me feel like entering a cathedral due to its small footprint and high open space until under the roof; with its rather large scaled windows and their heavy shutters painted old Estonian style in colors inspired from Saaremaas ethnic fashion. The off-grid summer house has served family and friends for over 10years now, proofing its sturdy quality and cosy atmosphere with the amazing fine pine tree scent when opening the door after having been away for a while.

moodne palkmaja palkmaja rookatus Skandinaavia log house Skandinaavia log house
palkmaja Harilaid
palkmaja Harilaid
palkmaja Saaremaal
palkmaja ehitus