Private house Wunder | Estonia Pärnu | 2017 | built | area 180m2 | pre-fabricated wooden house | Siberian larch cladding

Designing a house into an old fishers quarter in Pärnu was quite a challenge. This district belongs to the Miljööväärtuslik area. Playfulness within all the distractions led to dynamic roofs. The average pitched roof tilted by 1/3 of its length adds a totally new touch to the simple one family house while uplifting the area. Facade and roof finished in natural Siberian larch.

eramu Vunder Vunder elementhouse Prefabricated woodenhouse Prefabricated house Prefabricated house Prefabricated house Vunder woodenhouse Vunder elementhouse Vunder women architect Vunder women architect Vunder women architect Wunder siberian lerch